Thursday, February 5, 2009



Malinovka said...

What a great photo, Sarah! He's so different from Tru, but has Howard all over him. Maybe a combo of Row and Mer? I can't wait to meet him in person. Hope things are going well with a job, a house, and all the kiddos!

Stephanie Pilling said...

He is beautiful, Sarah! Congratulations! How does it feel to be a mother of five! I'm having a hard time seeing past two right now....:) Anyhow, hope you all are doing well. We miss you!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how AMAZING these pictures are! Not that I can't believe you do them but that I've never knew you even had a blog! What the french toast?! UGh...our family does not share info very well. ;) So good to chat with you! Squeeze those cute kids!

Anonymous said...

I cannot believe how AMAZING these pictures are! Not that I can't believe you do them but that I've never knew you even had a blog! What the french toast?! UGh...our family does not share info very well. ;) So good to chat with you! Squeeze those cute kids!

Anonymous said...

ooops, hit enter too many times!

arianabanana said...

AWWWWW loook at that face!!!! SOOOO cute! hes a babe.